This program finds the greatest common divisor of two numbers using
Euclid's algorithm from 300 BC.
; Euclid's algorithm using repeated subtraction
org 0x00
a skip 1 ; First number
b skip 1 ; Second number
tmp skip 1 ; Tmp variable
org 0x10
euclid st #144, a ; Initialize A
st #233, b ; Initialize B
euclop jeq b, eucdon ; Done ?
st a, tmp
rsbto b, tmp ; A - B -> TMP
jls tmp, over ; A <= B ?
rsbto b, a ; A - B -> A
jmp euclop
over rsbto a, b ; B - A -> B
jmp euclop
eucdon halt
Fun fact: the longest run-time for Euclid's algorithm occurs when you try
to find the GCD of two successive numbers from the Fibonacci sequence. When
you do this, Euclid's algorithm runs through the Fibonacci sequence in
Bit-wise OR
This program computed bit-wise OR, which is an instruction missing from
the relay computer
; Compute bitwise OR: Y = Y | X.
bicto x, y ; Clear bits in y which are set in x
addto x, y ; Add the bits which are set in x into y
Exclusive OR
This program computes Exclusive-OR, which is an instruction missing from
the relay computer
; Compute Exclusive-OR: Y = Y ^ X.
; This can be computed as follows : Y + X - 2*(Y & X)
st y, tmp
andto x, tmp
lsl tmp
addto x, y
rsbto tmp, y
This program multiplies two 8-bit numbers and produces a 16-bit
org 0x00
argx skip 1
argy skip 1
res_lo skip 1 ; Result low
res_hi skip 1 ; Result high
count skip 1
org 0x10
mul st #0, res_lo
st #0, res_hi
st #-8, count
loop lsl res_lo
rol res_hi
lsl argy
jcc skip
addto argx, res_lo
adcto #0, res_hi
skip incjne count, loop
mulrtn jmp 0
; Try it..
org 0x20
st #3, argx
st #5, argy
jsr mulrtn, mul
This program divides an 8-bit divisor into an 8-bit dividend and produces
and 8-bit quotient and 8-bit remainder.
org 0x00
quotient skip 1
remainder skip 1
dividend skip 1
divisor skip 1
count skip 1
org 0x10
div clr remainder
st #-8, count
divlop lsl dividend ; Shift dividend into remainder one
rol remainder ; bit at a time...
rsbto divisor, remainder ; Can we subtract divisor now?
jcc toomuch ; Branch if not..
lslo quotient ; Shift a 1 into quotient
incjne count, divlop
jmp divrtn
toomuch addto divisor, remainder ; Restore..
lsl quotient ; Shift a 0 into quotient
incjne count, divlop
divrtn jmp 0
; Try it
org 0x20
st #42, dividend
st #5, divisor
jsr divrtn, div
Integer square root
; Integer square root
org 0x00
num skip 1 ; Find square root of this
result skip 1 ; Result ends up here
; Subroutine
org 0x10
sqrt st #0xFF, result
sqrt1 addto #2, result
rsbto result, num
jcs sqrt1
lsr result
s_done jmp 0
; Try it
org 0x20
st #144, num
jsr s_done, sqrt
The relay computer supports subroutines with the jsr instruction. This
instruction saves the next instruction address (the return address) in a
specified memory location before jumping to the target address. The idea is
to insert the return address into a jump instruction which is executed at
the end of the subroutine. When the jump is executed, it will transfer
control back to the instruction following the jsr instruction.
; Calling routine calling 'sub'
jsr subrtn, sub
; Next instruction to execute after call is complete
; Called subroutine
sub: . . . ; Do some work
subrtn: jmp 0 ; Return back to caller. Caller has to insert return address
; into this jump instruction.
The above method is fast and directly supported, but does not allow
recursion. If recursion is needed, then a stack needs to be implemented.
Here is one way to do this:
; Calling routine calling 'dest'
jsr pushdata, dest
; Next instruction to execute after call is complete
; Called subroutine
dest: jsr pushrtn, push ; Save return address on stack
; Do some work
jmp popj ; Return from subroutine
; Helper subroutine which saves return address on stack and then
; jumps to the requested subroutine.
push: st pushdata, 0xff ; Save return address in stack
; stack starts at 0xFF
dec push ; Decrement stack pointer
pushrtn: jmp 0 ; Jump to subroutine
pushdata: nop ; Place to save return address
; Helper code which pops return address off stack and jumps to it
popj: inc push ; Increment stack pointer
st push, readit ; Insert stack pointer into following add instruction
clr return ; Clear return, we're going to add to it
readit: add return, 0 ; Insert return address from stack into following jmp
return: jmp 0 ; Jump to it
Pointer registers can be implemented with self modified code:
; Memory copy subroutine
from_ptr skip 1 ; Address to copy from
to_ptr skip 1 ; Address to copy to
count skip 1 ; No. bytes to copy
tmp skip 1
; Copy..
memcpy neg count ; Negate count so we can use incjne
; Read indirection from a pointer:
loop st from_ptr, get_it ; Insert pointer into code
clr tmp ; Pre-clear desintation
get_it add tmp, 0 ; Add target to tmp
; Write indirection to a pointer:
st to_ptr, put_it ; Insert pointer into code
put_it st tmp, 0 ; Store tmp to target
; Increment pointers
inc from_ptr
inc to_ptr
incjne count, loop ; Loop if not done
memcpy_rtn jmp 0 ; Return from subroutine
Hello, world!
This program writes "Hello, world!" to the serial console.
org 0x00
tmp skip 1
msg data 0x48
data 0x65
data 0x6C
data 0x6C
data 0x6F
data 0x2C
data 0x20
data 0x57
data 0x6F
data 0x72
data 0x6C
data 0x64
data 0x21
data 0x0D
data 0x0A
data 0x00
org 0x20
start st #msg, ptr ; Point to message
loop clr tmp ; Pre-clear
ptr add tmp, 0 ; Read from pointer
jeq tmp, done ; Jump if end of message
outc tmp ; Write character to serial
inc ptr ; Increment pointer
jmp loop ; Loop...
done halt
Bubble sort
This example shows the use of pointers.
; Bubble sort
org 0x00
count skip 1
flag skip 1
tmp skip 1
tmp1 skip 1
tmp2 skip 1
; Some numbers to sort..
dstart data 5
data 1
data 10
data 12
data 3
data 20
data 4
data 8
org 0x20
sort st #-(dend-dstart-1), count ; Number of items...
clr flag
st #dstart, ptr ; Set pointers
st #dstart+1, ptr1
; Read items
clr tmp
ptr add tmp, 0
clr tmp1
ptr1 add tmp1, 0
; Compare them
st tmp, tmp2
rsbto tmp1, tmp2
jls tmp2, noswap ; Branch if already in order
; Swap items
st ptr, ptr2 ; Copy pointers
st ptr1, ptr3
ptr2 st tmp1, 0
ptr3 st tmp, 0
; Set flag to indicate we did something
inc flag
noswap inc ptr ; Advance pointers
inc ptr1
incjne count, loop ; loop
jne flag, sort ; Repeat until sorted
LFSR Random number generator
org 0
acc data 1
scratch skip 1
lut data 9
count data 0x80
org 5
loop jsr done, rng
incjne count, loop
org 0x10
rng st acc, scratch
rol scratch
rol scratch
rol scratch
andto #0x3, scratch
jeq scratch, appendone
dec scratch
jeq scratch, appendzero
dec scratch
jeq scratch, appendzero
appendone lslo acc
jmp done
appendzero lsl acc
done jmp 0
Simon-like memory game
; Memory game
org 0x00
pat_len skip 1 ; Pattern length
rng skip 1 ; Random number generator
count skip 1 ; Counter
delay_count skip 1
tmp skip 1
tmp1 skip 1
; Start
done org 0x0f ; Stop just before start so player can
; hit run button to play again.
start st #0xfd, pat_len ; Initial length
main_loop jsr show_rtn, show_pat ; Show pattern
jsr read_rtn, read_pat ; Read pattern from user
jcc done ; We fail
dec pat_len ; Increase length
jmp main_loop
; Show pattern to player
show_pat st #1, rng
st pat_len, count
show_loop st rng, tmp
rol tmp
rol tmp
rol tmp
andto #3, tmp
st #1, tmp1
jeq tmp, tdone
tloop lsl tmp1
dec tmp
jne tmp, tloop
tdone out tmp1
jsr delay_rtn, delay
out #0
jsr rng_rtn, rng_step
incjne count, show_loop
show_rtn jmp 0
; Delay
delay st #0xFA, delay_count
delay_loop incjne delay_count, delay_loop
delay_rtn jmp 0
; Random number generator: rng = rng*49 + 47 = rng * 32 + rng * 16 + rng + 47
rng_step st rng, tmp
lsl tmp
lsl tmp
lsl tmp
lsl tmp
addto tmp, rng
lsl tmp
addto tmp, rng
addto #47, rng
rng_rtn jmp 0
; Read pattern from player, verifying along the way
read_pat st #1, rng
st pat_len, count
inwait tmp
jeq tmp, read_loop
out tmp
st #0xff, tmp1
cvt_loop inc tmp1
lsr tmp
jcc cvt_loop
st rng, tmp
rol tmp
rol tmp
rol tmp
andto #3, tmp
rsbto tmp1, tmp
jne tmp, fail
out #0
jsr rng_rtn, rng_step
unpress in tmp
jne tmp, unpress
incjne count, read_loop
read_rtn jmp 0
; Flash all LEDs if player makes a mistake
fail out #15
jsr delay_rtn, delay
jsr delay_rtn, delay
out #0
jmp read_rtn