The computer is a two-address machine, meaning that each instruction
includes two direct memory addresses from which to fetch the
operands. This eliminates the need for a register or accumulator to
provide one of the operands. A triple-port memory is needed to
support this: one port for the fetched instruction and two ports for
the data.
All instructions execute in one single-phase clock cycle, so there
is no required sequencing logic. Aside from the 4-bit condition code,
there are only 12 control signals. There is no instruction decoder,
instead the instruction is wide enough to fit all 12 control signals
directly, similar to a horizontally microcoded design. Many
instructions are possible based on the many possible combinations of
the control signals.
The datapath is 8-bits, but instructions are 32-bits. Instructions
and data are both stored together in memory. There are 256 memory
locations. Each location holds a 32-bit instruction. The lowest
8-bits of each location (corresponding to the B address field of the
instruction) are used for data and can be read from or written to by
the running program.
This is a "semi" Von Neumann architecture. Data and code are stored
together in memory like a standard Von Neumann machine, but only
part of the instruction can be accessed or modified by the program.
Self-modified code is used to implement indexing and subroutine
linkage by having the program write to this part of an instruction.
This is akin to early computers such as UNIVAC-I and
Princeton IAS.
Originally it was intended to implement a clone of the 12-bit Digital
PDP-8 minicomputer, but the result would have been a slower, more expensive
computer (needing about 280 relays, with no I/O). One aspect of this
original PDP-8 idea remains in the design: like the PDP-8, the ALU supports
only add and AND. Exclusive-OR and OR have to be implemented with a
sequence of instructions.
It can be argued that the triple-port memory is "cheating" (meaning
that early computers would not have used such a memory), but we are
already cheating by using semiconductor memory, so we might as well
make the most of it.
Block Diagram
The memory, the immediate data MUX and the single-phase clock are
implemented in a microcontroller (in silicon). The CPU, including ALU, PC,
carry-flag, input port, output port and condition logic is implemented in 83
DPDT relays.
The immediate data MUX should also be implemented in relays, but it was
added later as an afterthought. Immediate mode is not strictly needed since
you can always store data in an addressed memory location. On the other
hand, immediate mode saves memory and is convenient.
Another subtle bit of cheating is the ability to write back either to the
A address or the B address. There should be a MUX to select between the two
addresses, but it's implemented in the microcontroller as part of the
PC (Program Counter)
There is an 8-bit Program Counter which points to the instruction in
memory to execute. The program counter is normally incremented after each
instruction, but it can be replaced with the B-field of the instruction for
The next instruction address (PC + 1) can be written to memory to
record a subroutine return point.
The program counter has its own incrementer which requires 7 relays.
This is cheaper and faster than the alternative of having the ALU increment
the PC. For the ALU to do it would require a 4 relay MUX to feed the PC
through the ALU, plus at least 5 more relays to MUX the ALU control signals
and otherwise deal with the non-single cycle / per instruction operation.
An ALU operation could not have been done in the same cycle that the PC is
being incremented, so performance would have been halved.
Carry Flag
The carry-out bit of the ALU (possibly modified by the rotator) is
saved into the carry flag after every executed instruction. In other words,
all instructions modify the carry flag.
The memory should be thought-of as having three ports: one for the
instruction and two for data. When an instruction is read, the data from
the addresses given by the A and B fields of the instructions are also read.
The instruction's results can optionally be written back to either the
address given in the A field or the B field.
Instruction Format
All instructions have this format:
- B: B memory address field
- A: A memory address field or immediate data
- CC: Condition code
- cen: Carry (into ALU) enable (otherwise it's forced to zero).
- cinv: Carry (into ALU) invert.
- com: 1's Complement A operand
- ben: B operand enable (otherwise it's forced to zero)
- ror: Rotate ALU result right
- jsr: pc+1 is used as result instead of ALU result
- wrb: write result to B
- out: write result to output port
- in: replace lower 4 bits of A operand with input port
- imm: Use A field as literal data instead of reading data from A
- wra: write result to A instead of to B
Instruction sequence
All instructions execute in a single cycle, and always follow this logical
- First, the 32-bit instruction located at the address specified by
the program counter is fetched from memory.
- Next, the two 8-bit arguments, A and B, are fetched from memory from
the addresses given by the A and B fields of the instruction.
- If both 'wra' and 'wrb' are set, the clock is stopped and execution
is halted until the user presses the 'step' or 'go' buttons.
- The instruction is executed. The operation which is performed is
determined by the control bits of the instruction. The data flow is as
- The operands for the ALU, A and B, are pre-processed:
- If the 'imm' bit is set, the A field of the instruction is used
directly as the A operand, otherwise the data in the memory addressed by the
A field is used.
- If the 'in' bit is set, the lower 4-bits of the A operand are
replaced with data from the input port.
- If the 'com' (complement) bit is set, the A operand is inverted (the
input port data will be inverted if this bit is set).
- If the 'ben' (B-enable) bit is set, the B argument is allowed to
pass in to the ALU, otherwise it is set to zero.
- If the 'cen' (Carry-enable) bit is set, the carry flag is allowed to
pass in to the ALU, otherwise it is set to zero.
- If the 'cinv' (Carry-invert) bit is set, the carry to the ALU is
inverted. This happens after the carry enable gate, so if 'cen' is zero,
and 'cinv' is one, then the ALU will get a carry input of one.
- The ALU performs two operations in parallel: Add: A + B + Carry and
bitwise-AND: A & B.
- If the 'and' bit is set, the AND result is selected, otherwise the
ADD result is selected.
- If the 'ror' bit is set, the result is rotated to the right by 1
bit. The carry flag will be placed into bit 7 and bit 0 of the result will
replace the carry output from the ALU.
- The carry flag is updated (either with the carry output from the ALU
or bit 0 of the result if 'ror' was set).
- If the 'out' bit is set, the result is written to the output port.
- If 'jsr' bit is set, PC + 1 is used for the result instead of the
ALU output.
- If the 'wrb' (write to b) bit is set, the result is written to
memory, to the address specified by the B field of the instruction. If the
'wra' (write to a) bit is set, the result is written to memory, to the
address specified by the A field of the instruction.
- The Condition Code field specifies various conditions to check, and
if the result of this check is true, a jump takes place: the PC is replaced
with the contents of the B field of the instruction instead of with PC + 1